All our parents and carers ensure that their children are dressed in the correct school uniform, which encourages a sense of pride and belonging to King Athelstan Primary School. Please ensure all items are clearly marked with your child’s name.
Please read the full School Uniform policy here.
Children in the Nursery are expected to wear comfortable clothing including footwear, which allows them to access the full range of activities available including physical activities and messy play.
All children in Reception to Year 6 are expected to wear the following:
Essential School Uniform:
Children are also expected to bring a coat/waterproof in cold/wet weather and a hat/cap in hot and sunny weather.Skirts should be approximately knee length so that they do not restrict a child’s ability to run freely in the playground or sit easily on the floor.Black leggings worn as school trousers or under skirts are not permitted.
Optional School Uniform:
Essential PE Uniform:
Children wear their PE uniform to school on days that their class has PE. It is therefore important that they take as much pride in this as their school uniform.
In extreme or exceptional weather conditions, the school will contact families with alternative clothing options to ensure children’s health and wellbeing is maintained at all times.
Please note:
Cultural Race and religious requirements
At King Athelstan we respect the needs of different cultures, races and religions. We accommodate these needs within the uniform policy and are happy for children to dress appropriately to reflect this (providing that it does not pose a threat to security, safety and learning, or compromise the well-being of the whole school community). We request that children wear plain lilac, black or white hijabs.
The school uniform is available online or in the shop at PMG Schoolwear in Chessington. Other general uniform items are available from any leading chain store. We try to ensure that uniform costs are kept low and will regularly compare prices of suppliers to ensure best value.
The Attendance and Welfare Officer monitors the implementation of this policy to ensure that all children wear the correct school uniform, including the correct school shoes. Parents/carers are contacted if children are not consistently in school uniform and appropriate support is offered if applicable.
School uniform is available through PMG Schoolwear which has a shop at 393-395 Hook Road, Chessington KT9 1EL and also an online store: Customer Services: 01895 809 321
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