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read our vision

Home Learning

At King Athelstan we know that learning taking place at home should be fun, relevant and impactful, and therefore should not be onerous. This is why it is focused on basic skills, predominantly linked to online games and practice-based learning. Our Home Learning Policy reflects our mission to become an eco-friendly school, so we use less paper, to ‘do our bit’ for the environment. 

We are keen for families to engage in exciting experiences that deepen their understating of the world, as well as formal learning, which is why we encourage our pupils to take part in sports, clubs and meaningful enrichment activities outside of school, such as attending museums and exploring woodlands, taking trips to the seaside and visiting the local library.

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Children's Library - Kingston 

Science Museum

Natural History Museum

Kew Gardens 

To support a passion for learning and to foster their creativity, we are continuing the ‘Thinker's Project’ homework, which has produced some quite astonishing pieces of art, sculptures, ICT design projects and board games. We will continue to showcase this fantastic work at our Thinker's Project Exhibition at the end of each term, for all children and parents/ carers to enjoy. See below for more information. 

To reflect these ideals, our homework is underpinned by the following aims:

  • consolidating basic skills in maths and English including: reading, spelling and times tables 
  • fostering an enjoyment of learning and developing higher order thinking and enquiry skills, by celebrating the curriculum through “Thinker's’ Project” homework

Please read our Home Learning Policy carefully and support your child in their commitment to practising basic skills at home. The policy suggests a list of websites that can support with basic skills. Please also read the ‘Importance of Reading at Home’ document below. 

Click here for our Home Learning Policy 

Click here for our 'Importance of Daily Reading' chart

In addition to the policy suggestions, there are other online learning opportunities: Oak Academy, TimesTablesRockstars, NumBots, J2e, and Busy Things to name a few!

Click the pictures below to access these sites: 


Please contact the school office if you have any problems with logging in or with passwords for any site. 

Google Classroom


Google Classroom is the platform we use to communicate with children, parents and carers about spelling homework and special announcements.  

Click here to find out more about Google Classroom. 

Thinker's Project Homework

The Thinker’s Project homework scheme has been running since 2016 and some fantastic work has been produced during this time.  For those of you new to Years 1-6, and anybody who needs a refresher, here is a brief summary:

  • The Thinker's Project was created to encourage children to widen their thinking around their termly topic and to give them the opportunity to express their learning in different contexts
  • It is an optional homework.  At King Athelstan we understand the difficulties that homework can cause and do not want the Thinker’s Project work to be a burden to the family.  You are encouraged to complete two pieces of Thinker’s Project homework per term if possible
  • You can choose any task/s from the provided grid for each year group
  • Work can be presented in a variety of ways.  We have had video and audio clips in the past, as well as items on paper and 3d models
  • Each piece of work will receive recognition from the class teacher 

The Thinker’s Project scheme continues to be a huge success. The Thinker’s Project Exhibition is held at the end of every term and is an opportunity to celebrate the amazing work that has been completed across the term.  At least one piece of completed Thinker’s Project work from every child will be on show at the exhibition.

In December 2023, we had over 120 contributions for our exhibition. In KS1 we saw robots, counting games and models. In KS2 we saw UFOs, Stone Age and Viking settlements, pyramids and even a mummified Barbie! Several children contributed audio and video pieces featuring drumming, travel reports, a retrospective of music in black history and an opportunity to go back in time, as well as wonderful pieces of written work and lots of amazing art work. 

It is lovely to see so many parents and carers visiting the exhibition. Some of them shared their thoughts with us:

 Loved seeing all the hard work and effort put in by the children.

 These are brilliant! I loved seeing all your creativity and different ideas.

 Such amazing work, really impressed with the variety and creativity.

 The exhibition is amazing.

 Amazing! I absolutely loved the exhibition.

Click on the links in the left tool bar to see the Thinker's Project homework grids for Autumn, Spring and Summer for each year group. 

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School calendar

  • Parent/Carer Consultation Meetings in person
    22 October 2024, 3.30-6pm
  • Parent/Carer Consultation Meetings online
    24 October 2024, 4-6.30pm
  • Half-Term
    28 Oct - 1 Nov 2024
  • SEND Parent/Carer Consultation Meetings in person
    5 November 2024, 3.30-5.30PM
  • SEND Parent/Carer Consultation Meetings in person
    7 November 2024, 3.30-5.30pm
  • Y2 trip to Bushy Park
    11 November 2024
  • Warhol Class Assembly
    20 November 2024, 9am
  • Y4 MTC Parent/Carer Meeting
    3 December 2024, 3.20pm

Latest news

2 October 2024

Friday 4th October is an INSET Day and children are...