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read our vision

Year Groups

There are eight year groups in our school – starting with Nursery and moving all the way up to Year 6. We have two classes in every year group and a morning and afternoon session in Nursery. 

We are delighted to be growing as a school and are excited that the local community recognises the excellent education on offer at King Athelstan and supports further growth!

Alongside our class teachers, we have a team of teaching assistants and/or nursery nurses who support the children across each phase. The teaching teams work hard to ensure the children's needs are met through careful differentiation and targeted support. They work collaboratively to provide the children with exciting and challenging learning opportunities.

School Timings Sep small

All of our classes are named after artists!

King Athelstan’s class names have always been artists – it is an excellent way of integrating contemporary and modern art into everyday life and language at school and ensures that children have a good foundation of knowledge about significant artists who have influenced art throughout history. At the start of each year children create amazing pieces of art based on their class artist, which are framed and displayed around the school.

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In 2019 we had a considerable revamp of the class artists, as we found that the majority of artists represented were white men; this did not reflect the diverse culture in our community or exemplify the amazing women who have contributed to art throughout history. To make sure everyone had their say about the new choices, we sent out a survey for parents and carers, children and staff to find out their suggestions.

Click here for the final results! 

Click here to see examples of their paintings!

Can you guess the artist from the paintings below? 

School calendar

  • INSET Days
    2 - 3 Sep 2024
  • INSET Day
    4 October 2024
  • INSET Day
    6 January 2025

Latest news

Clubs for Summer 2024
27 March 2024