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Sports News

Y5 & Y6 Sportshall Athletics November 2024

On 5th November, 30 children from Year 5 and Year 6 will be taking part in Sportshall Athletics at The Kingston Academy. They are very excited to be taking part, and are busy attending early-morning practice sessions. 

Reception - Y1 Mini Athletics Festival June 2024

Well done to the children from Reception and Year 1 who participated in the mini athletics festival at Corpus Christi Primary School. All of the children had a great morning, and tried really hard. It was fantastic to see them develop their fundamental movement and athletic skills. They all received a well-earned medal for their efforts! Well done, team.

Y3-Y5 Summer Relays June 2024

Well done to the 24 children who took part in the Kingston-wide Summer Relays where 14 school s took part. The children completed 1 lap (in teams of 4) of the Hawker Centre route. All of the children represented the school really well and persevered to achieve their absolute best. Year 3 boys came 5th, and both Year 4 boys and Year 5 girls came 6th in their races. Everyone enjoyed the event.                                                                                           

Y4 Golf Competition February 2024

Well done to the 10 children who took part in the Golf Competition at The Kingston Academy. The children participated in eight different games such as bullseye, dominoes and zone ball. The King Athelstan team achieved second place! The children were delighted with their silver medals and certificates. All of their hard work and efforts really paid off. Many thanks to Dean Jeeves from Junior Golf London who ran practice sessions and helped prepare the children for the event. Well done to: Ivy, Sam, Ella, Harrison, Bibi, Jaazib, Hazel, Max, Nancy and Elliot.

Y6 Swimming Gala  January 2024 

Congratulations to our Y6 swimmers who attended the Borough Gala at the Malden Centre. The eight children put a huge amount of preparation and effort in prior to the gala, many of them practising the weekend before.  The event comprises of heats in each stroke where the first three swimmers (out of six) reach the final. Although we ultimately didn’t win, we did reach the final in seven races:

  • Girls Individual Butterfly – Georgie
  • Girls Individual Breaststroke -Isabella
  • Boys Individual Breaststroke – Ethan
  • Boys Individual Backstroke – Sonny
  • Front crawl Relay – Boys (Sonny, Henry, Ethan and Ollie
  • Medley relay – Girls (Isabella, Georgie, Blanka and Lois)
  • Medley Relay – Boys (as above) 

White Spider Climbing November 2023

14 children had the opportunity to attend White Spider Climbing at Tolworth. They took part in a number of different climbing challenges using top-rope and auto-belays.  It was great to see all of them push themselves and overcome any fears.  They represented the school so well.

Y3/4 Sportshall Athletics November 2023

Congratulations to the 30 children who took part in the Sportshall Athletics Competition on 10th November. The children participated in a number of different track and field events including; soft javelin, triple jump, chest push, speed bounce and relay races. All of the children represented the school really well and persevered to achieve their absolute best.  A special mention to the girls who placed 1st in the 4 x 1 relay race and the boys who placed 2nd in the 4 x 1 relay race. Other impressive results in the heats were 2nd place in the girls’ obstacle race, and 2nd place in the girls’ 6-lap race. The boys also came 2nd in the 6-lap race, and 2nd in the 1 + 1 lap race. Well done everyone!

Y5/6 Netball Competition March 2023

Congratulations to the eight children who represented the school at the borough netball competition. They all played really well and managed to create lots of scoring opportunities.  It was lovely to see all of the children make huge improvements throughout the day. The team achieved 4th place in the borough (out of 16 schools).  They narrowly missed out on a bronze medal, only just losing in the 3/4th place playoff game 3-2.  A special thank you to Mrs Heath for her hard work and dedication in preparing the team. 

Y3-6 Rugby Festival February 2023

Well done to the eight children who represented the school at the KS2 Borough Rugby Festival.  All children participated in a coaching session which was followed by games. They had the opportunity to learn new skills as well as compete in gameplay against other schools. Thank you to Kings Rugby Club for coordinating the activities. Well done all!

Y6 Swimming Gala January 2023

Mr McLaughlin took 8 Year 6 children to the Malden Centre to represent the school in a borough-wide Swimming Gala. They swam in back stroke, breast stroke, butterfly and front crawl races as well as relays. It was a truly amazing performance from all involved: they won gold in breaststroke, silver in the relay, and a bronze for front crawl- the best results King Athelstan has ever had! Congratulations to all our swimmers!

London Marathon 2022 

Congratulations to our very own 'marathon man', PE teacher Mr McLaughlin, who completed the 26.2 miles in London on Sunday 2nd October in a fantastic 3 hours, 27 minutes and 46 seconds! He ran to raise money for the KS1 playground re-development, part of our Big Outdoors Project. 



 Darren Marathon Oct 22


Wimbledon Tennis 2022

Mr McLaughlin took some lucky KS2 children to Wimbledon Tennis this year. 

tennis 3


National Skipping Challenge 2020!

Great news! King Athelstan Primary have won the National Skipping Challenge 2020.  

WINNER - National Skipping Challenge School Cup - King Athelstan Primary School

WINNER - National Skipping Challenge Individual Winner- Molly - Y5 Student

The National Skipping Challenge is a nationwide skipping competition organised by Skipping Workshops. Children and schools compete against each other in 6 different categories, and be crowned the overall National Skipping Challenge School Winner and Individual Winner. The full results can be seen here:

Since the competition started in 2002, over 5000 children from over 600 different schools throughout England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland and the Isle of Man have taken part. We’ve also had special entries from the Channel Islands, Hong Kong and Dubai.


Mr Mc Laughlin said: ''Well done to all of the children who took part in the National Skipping Challenge.  This is a fantastic achievement for our school.  A special mention to Molly from Dali Class who won the individual cup!''


Y6 Swimming Gala at the Malden Centre

Thursday 26th September 2019

Well done to all of the children who participated in the annual Swimming Gala.  We had record results in the initial heats reaching five finals (achieving 1st or 2nd place in the heats).  Congratulations to Morgan who achieved a bronze medal in the boys backstroke final!

Thank you to all of the parents/carers who came to support the children.

Mr Mc Laughlin

PE Coordinator


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School calendar

  • Kahlo Class Assembly
    12 February 2025, 9am
  • Parent/Carer Book Looks
    13 February 2025
  • Half-Term
    17 - 21 Feb 2025
  • Parent/Carer Consultation Meetings online
    25 February 2025, 3.30-5.30pm
  • Parent/Carer Consultation Meetings in person
    27 February 2025, 4-6.30pm
  • Secondary School Offer Day
    3 March 2025
  • Mehretu Class Assembly
    5 March 2025, 9am
  • Y3 Trip to Kew Gardens
    5 March 2025

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INSET Day January 2025
18 November 2024