At King Athelstan we put the children’s happiness, wellbeing and excellence in learning at the core of everything we do and our ambitious Big Outdoors Project will ensure we achieve this in all aspects of the children’s school experience.
The project began in 2016 with a school community consultation, resulting in an exciting design for our Key Stage One and Key Stage Two outdoor areas. As our ambitious project had a price tag of around £400,000, we have tackled the development in two phases. The first phase, which includes a wonderful new MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area), small allotment, challenging climbing equipment and inviting Key Stage Two play space, was completed in the Summer of 2020, just in time for our young people to return from lockdown. This development cost £240,000 which we raised through our dedicated Parent Carer Staff Association (PCSA), sports funding and other school revenue. We are now fundraising for the next phase to redevelop our Key Stage One Playground with a cost of around £120,000. This fundraising includes the continued work of our Parent Carer Staff Association (PCSA), sponsorship from local businesses and securing funding from grant applications.
Now more than ever our children need an inspiring outdoor learning environment where they can safely and confidently begin to rebuild their friendships, develop physical fitness, motor skills and their love of learning. After months of disrupted learning and lockdown restrictions, they need a space where they can refocus on their education and on nourishing their mental health and social interactions. Our carefully designed Big Outdoors Project for our 5 to 7-year olds will create spaces for physical, social and mental development as well as enhancing reading, science, drama and core life skills, such as problem solving and team building. It will also include a fantastic outdoor space to further develop our Specialist Resource Provision for children with complex Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs.
Work was completed on the first phase of the refurbishment of the KS1 playground in February 2024, and the children have been enjoying all the new equipment. Fundraising continues so that the next phase of the project can be implemented.
Here is an PPT about the development: KS1 Update
If you would like to make a donation:
Our Outdoor Learning Lead, Clare Williamson:
At King Athelstan we ‘dream big’ and the final outdoor learning environment will certainly be an incredible addition to our school.
Big Outdoors Project pictures and information:
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