“That's what I'm interested in: the space in between, the moment of imagining what is possible and yet not knowing what that is.” - Julie Mehretu
“Art is about changing what we see in our everyday lives and representing it in such a way that it gives us hope.” - Kehinde Wiley
During Year 4 we celebrate our progression throughout the school to evolve further into confident, independent, inquisitive learners, ready for the final years of primary school.
In maths we continue to develop and strengthen our understanding of number and the four operations. We take a deep dive into fractions and decimals and link these concepts to the world around us. As well as this, we will strive to become secure with our times tables to become confident, fluent mathematicians. Practising these will be crucial in accessing the statutory Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) which children will complete in July. Our KIRF sessions will provide extra opportunity for us to explore these tables, looking into patterns, strategies and sequences which will help us become solid in all 12 tables.
In English we will explore a vast range of purposes for writing from mythological stories, traditional fairy tales with a twist, instruction writing, travel brochures and more. We will bring these texts to life with drama, multimedia and real-life scenarios. Our understanding of grammar will expand as we write for a variety of audiences, adapting our styles and written voices accordingly.
In reading we will deepen our love for reading through exploring fascinating, hilarious, spooky and even grotesque stories from throughout time! We will use non-fiction texts to delve further into our curriculum topics and expand our understanding, whilst simultaneously enhancing our writing with works from renowned authors across the world.
In curriculum we will explore different time periods throughout the history, including the enchanting Egyptians, the stoic Romans and the fascinating Maya societies. We discover how their lives have influenced ours, what we can learn from them and how traditions have evolved over time, whilst in music we learn how to play the ukulele.
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