Research evidence shows that children’s learning is most effective when they have a sense of emotional well-being, good self-esteem and a feeling of belonging to their school community. At King Athelstan our Nurture Team are focused on this important aspect of school life.
Nurture is open to all children in the school and supports all aspects of a child’s emotional well-being. Its purpose is to offer children opportunities to promote and support their social and emotional development.
Nurture support is provided to identified children through bespoke small group sessions for children in Years 1 and 2, and 1:1 or group sessions for children in response to needs. Nurture teaches children to:
Children in Nurture groups have individual targets to reduce the barriers to their learning. These targets are shared with class teachers and displayed in classrooms to support children to achieve. Nurture also runs in Reception classrooms as part of EYFS practice.
‘Wiltshire’, our Nurture space (named after artist Stephen Wilstshire), is part of our Inclusion provision and is located near the front of the school. It is designed to be a safe and calm environment that allows children to explore their individual needs while reducing the barriers so they are ready to learn.
Parents and carers are encouraged to work closely with the Nurture team and are welcome to pop in and talk about any aspect of their child’s well-being. Our approach helps to develop children’s maturity and resilience, builds confidence and empowers children as learners.
Our Nurture team consists of Ms Denise Ramkissoon and Mrs Tracey Whooley. They are based in the Wiltshire Room and are available to listen to parental/carers concerns.
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