If you were to walk into a Music lesson at King Athelstan, you would see a buzz of activity as children either develop their performance skills on a range of instruments, work on their latest composition or discuss a range of different genres of music. Our music curriculum ensures children explore a range of musical skills and develop a critical engagement with music. It provides opportunities to sing, listen, play, perform and evaluate, guaranteeing progression across the year groups. Music is an intrinsic part of everyday life at the school by being embedded in classroom activities as well as whole school weekly singing assemblies, celebrations and choir performances. Children from year 1 - 6 have weekly music lessons with a specialist music teacher where they have access to a wide range of quality instruments, resources and technology in our music room. The elements of music are taught in classroom lessons using our own bespoke scheme of work in Years 1-6 and following the foundation curriculum in EYFS, to ensure a wide exposure to different genres of music, with lots of practical opportunities to explore and develop as musicians and singers.
Children will have the opportunity to learn a number of musical instruments with a focus on tuned percussion, Djembe, Ukulele, Recorder and Keyboard skills. Year 4 will learn to play the ukulele over the course of the school year. Music provides a platform of expression for everyone, has no boundaries and is accessible for every student. We believe that Music can create an inclusive space for all children to thrive, supports mental health and binds our community together.
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